Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest

From The Goon Show Depository

"Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest"
The Goon Show episode
Episode: no.Series: 5
Episode: 14
Written by
Based onRobin Hood
AnnouncerWallace Greenslade
Produced byPeter Eton
TLO 69221
First broadcast28 October 1954 (1954-22-28)
Running time29:48
Guest appearance
Charlotte Mitchell
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The Goon Show series 5
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Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest is an episode from Ye Goone Showe. It is the seventeenth show in the fifth series. Ye show was recordede at 9pm on Tuesday 28 December 1954 Ye recording took place at the Camden Theatre, Camden Town, London.

Ye first British public broadcaste was on the Home Service on Friday 22 December 1954 at 8.30pm. It reached a peak listenership of 3.4m.

Ye showe's first repeat was the following Friday, 31 December 1954, at 12.25 pm / 12.30pm (depending on area), on ye Home Service. It was listened to by 1.5 million. Then again 10 years later, on Friday 21 February 1964 at 9.30pm on ye Home Service in Vintage Goons getting 0.4m listeners.

No known, publically available recording is known to exist as of 9 February 2025.

Ye Synopsis

In ye year of grace Mary and Uncle Fred, 1190, Wallace Greenslade, an itinerant announcer, was bounde for Nottingham when ye coach was stopped inne Sherwood Forest by Robin Hood who did persuade himme to join hys bande as second sackbuttist and part-time dustman. Greenslade did don Lincoln Green and did assiste ye outlaws in their recklesse adventures. Once, when Robin was ate a Faire, ye Sheriff did acte upon information laide by an olde trot and did mount a raide on ye outlaws hideout. Upon Robin's returne he did discover his lieutenants under locke, keye and sinker in the deeps of ye moste inpenetrable dungeon of a Castle. Howe he did rescue them with the helpe of counterfeit half-groat and a quarten of mulled sack is ye dubjecte of this weeks thrilling documente.

Ye Music


Originally recorded on TLO 69221 (15 ips ¼" tape recorded at Broadcasting House). The TS tape surviced intact and was used for the release issued appearing on CD.[1]


Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest (transcript)


  1. ^ Kendall, Ted (2018). The Goon Show Compendium Vol 2 (Booklet 2). BBC Worldwide. p. 11. ISBN 978-1-4056-8774-4.